Medical Sentinel Index
Volume 5 (2000)



AAPS v. Clinton, 41
Aging (and death), 5, 36
AIDS, 118-119, 157 (UN peacekeepers spreading)
Airbags and children, 154
Albright, James, 169-171, 205-208
Alzheimer's Disease, 15-18
American Health Care (Feldman), 157
American Medical Association (AMA), 38
American Medical News (AMNews), 8-9
America's 30 Years War (Vazsonyi), 71-72
Annis, Edward R., 19-20, 74
Anthrax, 80, 97-101 (disease and vaccine),149-150
Archer, Bill, 11
Armey, Dick, 11
Arnett, Grace-Marie, 81
Arnett, Jerome C., Jr., 71-72, 183-184
The Art of Political War (Horowitz), 41
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), 87, 121-122, 151 (Elián González), 158,160, 186 (Medical Sentinel), 195
Australia, 107 (gun control)
Autism, 5



Bacteriology. See Pestilential Diseases and Vaccines
Bastiat, Frederic 151, 158
Beato-Núñez, Virgilio, 163-166
Benefits of firearms. See Public Health and Gun Control, Gary Kleck, John R. Lott
Biblical Healing for Modern Medicine (Payne) 157
Biological warfare, 97-101
Blackburn, Roy, 1
Blome, Dexter W., 30-31
Blue Shield, 109-110
Bovard, James, 151
Brady law, 79
Brase, Twila, 143
Brock, David, 41
Brown, Michael S., 106
Browne, Harry, 157, 188
Bureaucracy, 42-43 (fighting)
Bush, George W., 156
Buttram, Harold E., 49-52



Caine, Curtis W., 24-26, 67-68, 108-109, 141-142, 186-187, 215
California Medical Association (CMA), 179
Camardese, Nino M., 73, 142
Campos, Fernando, 2
Canada, 79 (health care collapse), 83 (gun registration), 118 (news)
Cantón, Enrique, 151, 163-166
Carcinogenesis (and cancer risk), 128-131, 149, 196-198
Cárdenas, Gladys, 163-166
Carro, José, 163-166
Castro, Fidel, 7, 163-166 (doctor diplomacy), 192
Children (and guns), 37, 83, 190
Children's Health Care, 194
Cihak, Robert, 172, 184
Class action lawsuits, 179
Clinical medicine, 111
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 41, 179 (Hillary Care)
Clinton, William Jefferson, 78
Cloning, 35. See also Human Genome
Coding, 189. See also Evaluation and Management (E&M) Guidelines
Cohen, Bernard L., 128-131
Communist Manifesto (Marx), 13
Compliance, 102-103, 110
Crime, 78, 84 (in South Africa)
Cuban psychiatry, 160-162 (perversion of)
Curzi, Anthony, 113



The Dangers of Socialized Medicine (Hornberger and Ebolon), 81
Death and taxes, 11
Denial of the Soul (Peck), 112
Dewberry, Glenn P., 2
Dial 911 and Die (Stevens), 194
Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP), 74
Duty to die, 73
Dwight, R.E., 77 (presidential elections)



Economics, 33-34 (of health care)
Election 2000, 209|
Empowering Health Care Consumers Through Tax Reform (Arnett), 81
Endicott, Stephen, 157
Environment, 119 (medical ecology). See also Global Warming
Equality, 178
Etymology, 215
Euthanasia. See also Physician-assisted suicide
Evaluation and management (E&M) guidelines, 4, 37, 102-103, 132-133
Evans, M. Stanton, 65



Faria, Miguel A., Jr., 11-14, 27, 34, 44-48, 55-61, 88-91, 107, 113-117, 123-127, 139-140, 160-162, 196-198, 213-214
Federal Employee Health Benefit Program (FEHBP), 120
Feldman, Roger, 157
Fiedor, Doug, 213
Firearms, 40, 213. See also gun violence
Flexner, Abraham, 167-168
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 6 (off-label use), 169-171, 205-208
Forbes, Steve, 11
Force, 22 (camouflaged)
Fraud and abuse, 40, 195
Free, 81
Friedman, Paul S., 105



Global warming, 85
Glueck, Michael, 172, 184
Goldsmith, P. Gardner, 35
Gollhofer, John G., 76
Goltry, Vernon L., 109-110
Gore, Albert, 156-157
Gorski, Timothy, 21
Great Britain, 78 (rationing health care), 82-83 (boot camp for doctors), 106 (gun control), 185-186, 191
The Great Libertarian Offer (Browne), 157
Gulf War Illness, 99-101
Gun control, 83-85 (and lawsuits)
Gun violence, 80. See also Australia, Great Britain, and Public Health and Gun Control



Hagerman, Edward, 157
Hamilton, Dick, 81
The Hand of God (Nathanson), 182
Hate crimes, 190
Hawaii, 143
Health care, 160-166 (in Cuba)
Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), 87, 121-122, 169-171, 195, 205-208
Health Care Task Force, 41
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), 9, 65. See also Managed Care
Heart patients, 154
Heterodoxy, 104 (peer review)
Hiatt, Mark D., 167-168
Hippocrates, 37 (ethics and MSAs)
Home schooling, 153
Homicide (and violence), 199-202
Hornberger, Jacob G., 81
Horowitz, David, 41
Human genome, 155. See also Cloning
Huntoon, Lawrence R., 10, 29, 42-43, 87, 121-122, 134-136, 147-148, 158-159, 195
Hygiene, 55-61



Idaho (State of), 109-110
Immunization, 55-61
Impeachment, 23-24
Individual rights, 137-138
Infectious diseases. See Pestilential diseases
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 193
Internet, 5
Is There a Duty to Die? (Humber and Almeder), 183-184



Jordan, W. Daniel, 111
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 80 (gun poll), 191 (Brady Act)



Keller, Joseph C., 3
Kleck, Gary, 84-85, 116-117
Knight, James G., 76-77



Labor bosses, 19-20 (and Democrats), 74
Labor unions. See Unionization
Largent, Steve, 11
Lawrence, David M., 75-76
Lawsuits, 88-91 (impact on public policy), 92-95 (physician countersuits)
Lawyers and Lawbreakers (Hamilton), 81
The Libertarian Reader (Boaz), 30-31
Limpin, J.E., 147
Linder, John, 11
Linear no threshold hypothesis, 118, 128-131
Long, Howard, 75-76
Lott, John R., 74, 84-85, 191
Lung cancer. See Carcinogenesis, Radon Gas, Radiation, and Tobacco



Malta, Frank, 74
Managed care, 29 (psychosis), 75, 109-110, 152
Marx, Karl, 13
McCammon, Kyle S., 92-96
Media bias, 155
Medical boards, 104
Medical ethics, 24-26 (and managed care), 29, 108-109 (euthanasia), 112, 175-176 (in case of Elián González)
Medical liability, 89-91, 92-96 (malpractice)
Medical organizations, national. See also AAPS, AMA
Medical privacy. See Patient Confidentiality
Medical records, 21, 103, 110. See also Evaluation and Management (E&M) Guidelines, Patient Confidentiality
Medical Savings Accounts (MSA), 76, 124-127,134-136, 210-211, 216 (in South Africa)
Medicare, 40, 87, 121-122, 152, 158, 172
Medicine, 24-26, 67-68, 108-109, 141-142, 186-187 (a profession or an industry), 92-96 (and the law)
Meier, Conrad F., 62-64, 216
Mensch, Arthur H., 1
Mental health, 120
Mercurial logic, 66
Meyer, Delbert H., 112, 147, 182
Miller, Neil Z., 41
Minnesota (State of), 142
Missouri (State of), 2, 216
Monde, Debra, 176
Mueller, Thomas J., 27-28, 180-181



Nader, Ralph, 156
National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), 216
National Education Association (NEA), 105, 193
National Health Service. See Great Britain
Neomorts (Orient and Wright), 147-148
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), 39, 150-151
New York, 179-180 (Hillary Care)
Nicolson, Garth, 97-101, 149-150
Nikos, Karen, 179
Nirschl, Robert P., 102-103, 132-133
Norquist, Grover G., 209



Ohio (State of), 142
Open data, 104-105 (public review policy)
Oral sex, 119 (AIDS transmission)
Orient, Jane M., 34, 76, 104, 111, 146-147, 149
Orthodox constitutionalism, 195
Orwell, George, 11
Otto, Katharine C., 185



Patient confidentiality, privacy, 21, 133, 137-138, 153, 193
Patient-physician relationship, 105, 172. See also Medical Ethics
Patients Bill of Rights, 139-140
Payne, Franklin E., 53-54
Peck, Scott, 112
Peer review, 104
Pestilential diseases, 44-48, 49-52, 55-61
Physician-assisted suicide, 36, 112
Physician countersuits, 92-96, 149
Politicized Medicine (FEE), 81
Pregnancy, 21
Prescription drugs, 152, 191
Presidential legacy, 23-24, 152-153
Protected species, 5
Psychiatry, 160-162
Public health and gun control, 113-117, 199-201, 202, 212-214
Public policy by lawsuits, 88-91
Public-private partnerships, 8-9



Radiation, 128-131, 149
Radon gas, 131
Raid, 39|
Ranheim, Philip D., 33
Rationing medical care. See Canada, Great Britain, Heart Patients, Managed Care, Socialized Medicine
Recruitment, 10
Registration of guns, 83 (in Canada), 143 (in Hawaii)
Regulations, 121-122, 132-133, 169-171, 188
Republican Party (GOP), 78 (and the uninsured), 154 (Congress)
Richardson, Dawn, 21
Right to health care, 113
Rotavirus vaccine, 4



Sanitation, 55-61
Sapira's Art & Science of Bedside Diagnosis (Orient), 111
Scandlen, Greg, 210-211
Science, 188 (frontiers of)
The Seduction of Hillary Rodham (Brock), 41
Serkes, Kathryn A., 150-151
Severyn, Kristine M., 173-174
Shore, Karen, 179-180
Socialized medicine, 27-28, 134-136, 192. See also Universal Health Insurance
Solzhenitsyn, Alexandr, 151
Stevens, Richard W., 194, 212
Stolinsky, David C., 199-201
Strober, Steven J., 186
Suicide (and gun control), 113-117, 199-201
Summers, William K., 15-18
Suter, Edgar, 185-186



Tacrine, 15-18
Tauzin, Bill, 11
Taxes, 3, 123-127, 193
Television, 154 (and health)
Tennessee (State of), 144 (failed health care reform)
Terrell, Hilton P., 66
Thorne, R., 186
Tobacco, 7 (war profiteers), 196-198 (and cancer)
Traficant, James, 11
Trigger locks, 83, 120



Uninsured, 38 (myth of), 79
Unionization, 27 (Illinois and New Jersey), 105 (labor unions), 108-109
Unique health identifier, 153. See also Patient Confidentiality
United Nations, 157 (peacekeepers and AIDS)
United States and Biological Warfare (Endicott and Hagerman), 157
Universal health insurance (coverage), 38, 62-64 (in Washington), 134-136
Urban, Robert, 23-24, 137-138
Usategui, Lydia M., 176-177
U.S. Department of Justice, 116-117 (study)



Vaccines, 4-5, 44-61, 173-174
Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? (Miller), 41
Vazsonyi, Balint, 71-72
Vermont (State of), 144 (health insurance)
Ver Steeg, Kyle R., 22
Viruses. See Pestilential Diseases and Vaccines



Waiting periods, 84-85
Wall Street Journal, 20, 74-75
Washington (State of), 27-28 (socialized medicine) 76, 180-181
Welfare, 119
Western Journal of Medicine (WJM), 116-117
Wheeler, Timothy, 202
Wright, Linda J., 147-148



Yorioka, Gerald N., 149